Gotcha! Master Manipulator. Ever wonder why we can't really see people's true intentions with regard to our hearts? Is it because we see them only from a face value stand point. If they smile they are friendly, if they offer you something you like they are nice, if they defend you they are loyal. Perhaps those gesture are the attributes of people who do care, but beware; be diligent with you who you let in. Be careful, with whom you share your ambitions, your fears, the matters of your household, the matters within your marriage, the matters with your children, even so the matters of your finances & more importantly; even your spirituality. Learn this..... not everyone in your inner circle is there for you. Alike an animal waiting to kill its prey so will be the master manipulator waiting to chew you up at the right appointed time. Listen, to the people around you observed and analyze. Recognize that some people regardless of the roles they may play in your life
Welcome! SimplyZsaZsah is a compilation of christian freelance encouraging blogs which consists of my thoughts, experiences and revelations. Be blessed as I write from the depths of my heart. I want to encourage and inspire you to be the best you can be in your walk with Christ Jesus.